All Classes and Interfaces

AckleyFunction is a class implementing the Ackley's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
Algorithm is an abstract class representing the basic scheme of an algorithm of differential evolution.
AlgorithmFactory is a class for creating new algorithms from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
ArithmeticCrossover is a class implementing a binomial scheme for crossover step over the interface Crossover.
Best1Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Best2Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Best3Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/3 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
BinarySelector is a class implementing a binary selection scheme over the interface Selector.
BinomialCrossover is a class implementing a binomial scheme for crossover step over the interface Crossover.
BoundsChecker is an interface for checking the factibiliy of the candidate solutions coded in the genotype of an Individual.
CoranaParabolaFunction is a class implementing the Corana's parabola function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
Crossover is an interface representing the basic scheme of a crossover operator in differential evolution.
CrossoverFactory is a class for creating new crossovers from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
CrossValidation is a class which integrates the data and mechanisms needed for running a basic k-fold cross validation.
CurrentToBest1Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-best/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToBest2Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-best/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToPBestMutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-pbest mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToRand1Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-rand/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
DE is a class implementing a DE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
Evaluator is an interface for representing an object that can give an evaluation of the fitness of a candidate solution coded in the genotype.
EvaluatorFactory is a class for creating new evaluators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
Execution is a class for support an execution of an Experiment with a defined configuration, which exports the results after finishing.
Experiment is a class for support the configuration of an Experiment.
ExperimentFormatException is an Exception subclass for advert an incorrect formatting in experiment configuration files.
ExponentialCrossover is a class implementing a exponential scheme for crossover step over the interface Crossover.
GoldsteinFunction is a class implementing the Goldstein's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
GriewankFunction is a class implementing the Griewank's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
HyperEllipsoidFunction is a class implementing the Hyper-Ellipsoid function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
IncompatibleConfigurationException is an Exception subclass for advert an incompatile configuration in experiment configuration files.
Individual is a class representing the structure and functionalities of an individual in differential evolution.
Initializer is an interface representing the basic scheme of an initializer operator in differential evolution.
InitializerFactory is a class for creating new initializers from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
JADE is a class implementing JADE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
jDE is a class implementing the jDE algorithm (2006) over the abstract base class Algorithm.
jDELSMutator is a class implementing DE/local-search mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
LinearFunction is a class implementing a linear scheme for estimate a value from a candidate solution and a set of input variables.
LSGOjDE is a class implementing the LSGOjDE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
MAE is a class implementing the Mean Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MAPE is a class implementing the Mean Absolute Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MathTools provides some useful and frequently used mathematical tools needed when developing Differential Evolution algorithms throught this framework.
MaxFEsStop is a class implementing a stopping criterion based on the number of function evaluations (FEs) performed over the interface Selector.
MaxGenerationsStop is a class implementing a stopping criterion based on the number of generations performed over the interface Selector.
ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction is a class implementing the Modified Penalized Shubert's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
MRAE is a class implementing the Mean Relative Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MSE is a class implementing the Mean Squared Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MSPE is a class implementing the Mean Squared Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
Mutator is a class implementing the basic scheme of a mutator operator in differential evolution.
MutatorFactory is a class for creating new mutators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
ObjectiveFunction is a class implementing the basic scheme of a function with the objective of making an estimation out of a set input variables and the genotype.
ObjectiveFunctionFactory is a class for creating new evaluators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
Parameter is a class for supporting the base scheme of a parametrizable object in DEFramework with a set of basic characteristics and possible values.
PenalizedShubertFunction is a class implementing the Penalized Shubert's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
Population is a class representing the structure and functionalities of a Population in differential evolution.
QuarticFunction is a class implementing the quartic function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
RadialVelocityFunction is a class implementing the estimation of the radial velocity of a binary stellar system from a candidate solution and a set of input variables.
RAE is a class implementing the Relative Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
Rand1Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Rand2Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Rand3Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/3 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
RandInitializer is a class implementing a random scheme for the initialization step over the interface Initializer.
RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand-to-best-and-current/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
RandToCurrent1Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand-to-current/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
RastriginFunction is a class implementing the Rastrigin's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
Reader is a class implementing all input operations of the framework when working with experiment files: configures a list of experiment given the configuration defined in the framework experiments files.
RegressionMetric is an abstract class for representing the regression metrics used when training with datasets, can be also considerated as evaluators of the genotype of the individuals.
RMSE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RMSLE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RMSPE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RosenbrockFunction is a class implementing the Rosenbrock's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
SaDE is a class implementing the SaDE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
Selector is a class implementing the basic scheme of a selector operator in differential evolution.
SelectorFactory is a class for creating new selectors from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
ShekelFoxholesFunction is a class implementing the Shekel's Foxholes function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
SixHumpCamelFunction is a class implementing the Six-Hump Camel function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
SphereFunction is a class implementing the sphere function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
SSE is a class implementing the Sum of Squared Errors over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
StepFunction is a class implementing the step function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
StoppingCriterion is an interface representing the basic scheme of stopping criterion operator in differential evolution.
StoppingCriterionFactory is a class for creating new stopping criteria operators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
TestFunction is an abstract class for representing the functions used for testing and experimental issues, which can be also considerated as evaluators of the genotype of the individuals.