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AckleyFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
AckleyFunction is a class implementing the Ackley's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
AckleyFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.AckleyFunction
addCR(double) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
addF(double) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
addFitness(double) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
addIndividual(Individual) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Adds a new Individual to the Population.
addNP(int) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
addValue(T) - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Adds a new value at the end of the current list of configured values.
Algorithm - Class in dealib.algorithms
Algorithm is an abstract class representing the basic scheme of an algorithm of differential evolution.
Algorithm(String, String, Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Constructor of an Algorithm given the name, the publication reference and the current configuration of the execution.
AlgorithmFactory - Class in dealib.algorithms
AlgorithmFactory is a class for creating new algorithms from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
ArithmeticCrossover - Class in dealib.components.crossovers
ArithmeticCrossover is a class implementing a binomial scheme for crossover step over the interface Crossover.
ArithmeticCrossover(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.crossovers.ArithmeticCrossover
arithmeticMean(double[]) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes the arithmetic mean for an array of real values.
arithmeticMean(ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes the arithmetic mean for a set of real values.


Best1Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
Best1Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Best1Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.Best1Mutator
Best2Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
Best2Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Best2Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.Best2Mutator
Best3Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
Best3Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/3 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Best3Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.Best3Mutator
BinarySelector - Class in dealib.components.selectors
BinarySelector is a class implementing a binary selection scheme over the interface Selector.
BinarySelector(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.selectors.BinarySelector
BinomialCrossover - Class in dealib.components.crossovers
BinomialCrossover is a class implementing a binomial scheme for crossover step over the interface Crossover.
BinomialCrossover(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.crossovers.BinomialCrossover
BoundsChecker - Interface in dealib.components
BoundsChecker is an interface for checking the factibiliy of the candidate solutions coded in the genotype of an Individual.
buildExperiment(Properties) - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader


cauchyRND(double, double) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes a pseudorandom real number in Cauchy distribution given the location and scale parameters.
checkBounds(double[], double[], Individual...) - Method in interface dealib.components.BoundsChecker
Enables implementing another checking scheme distinct from default one.
checkBoundsDefault(double[], double[], Individual) - Static method in interface dealib.components.BoundsChecker
Default method for checking the factibility of the given Individual: if the values are above the upper bounds, it is replaced by the maximum possible value and analogously with lower bounds.
checker - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Bounds checker operator.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Compares two Individuals: the individual with minimum fitness has preference over the other individual.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MAE
Computes Mean Absolute Error (MAE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MAPE
Computes Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MRAE
Computes Mean Relative Absolute Error (MRAE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MSE
Computes Mean Squared Error (MSE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MSPE
Computes Mean Squared Percentage Error (MSPE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RAE
Computes Relative Absolute Error (RAE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RegressionMetric
Computes the error between the real value (stored in dataset instances) and the estimation made by the executed algorithm.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RMSE
Computes Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RMSLE
Computes Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (RMSLE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RMSPE
Computes Root Mean Squared Percentage Error (RMSPE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.SSE
Computes Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) given the real predicted value for an instance of a dataset and the estimation computed from an objective function.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.objfunctions.LinearFunction
Computes an estimation for a candidate solution and a set of input variables with a linear scheme, multiplying each gene by each input variable.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in interface planner.utils.objfunctions.ObjectiveFunction
Computes an estimation out of a set of input variables and a genotype.
compute(double[], double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.objfunctions.RadialVelocityFunction
Computes the radial velocity estimation for a binary stellar system given a candidate solution and a set of input variables.
copyGenotype(double[]) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Copies a given genotype to the current genotype of the Individual.
CoranaParabolaFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
CoranaParabolaFunction is a class implementing the Corana's parabola function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
CoranaParabolaFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.CoranaParabolaFunction
createAlgorithm(String, Execution) - Static method in class dealib.algorithms.AlgorithmFactory
Creates an Algorithm already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given an algorithm reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding algorithm.
createCrossover(String, Execution) - Static method in class dealib.components.crossovers.CrossoverFactory
Creates a Crossover already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given a crossover reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding crossover operator.
createEvaluator(String, Execution) - Static method in class planner.utils.evaluators.EvaluatorFactory
Creates an Evaluator already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given an evaluator reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding evaluator.
createInitializer(String, Execution) - Static method in class dealib.components.initializers.InitializerFactory
Creates an Initializer already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given an initializer reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding initializer operator.
createMutator(String, Execution) - Static method in class dealib.components.mutators.MutatorFactory
Creates a Mutator already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given a mutator reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding mutator operator.
createObjectiveFunction(String) - Static method in class planner.utils.objfunctions.ObjectiveFunctionFactory
Creates an ObjectiveFunctionFactory already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given an objective function reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding objective function.
createSelector(String, Execution) - Static method in class dealib.components.selectors.SelectorFactory
Creates a Selector already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given a selector reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding selector operator.
createStoppingCriterion(String, Execution) - Static method in class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.StoppingCriterionFactory
Creates an StoppingCriterionFactory already implemented in the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework: given an stopping criterion reduced name, it searchs for the full qualified name in the external resource archive "" and by reflection creates the corresponding stopping criterion operator.
crossIndividuals(Population, Individual, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.crossovers.ArithmeticCrossover
Executes arithmetic crossover scheme over the target/current individual, X and the mutant individual V.
crossIndividuals(Population, Individual, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.crossovers.BinomialCrossover
Executes bin crossover scheme over the target/current individual, X and the mutant individual V.
crossIndividuals(Population, Individual, Individual, Individual...) - Method in interface dealib.components.crossovers.Crossover
Executes a specific crossover scheme.
crossIndividuals(Population, Individual, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.crossovers.ExponentialCrossover
Executes exp crossover scheme over the target/current individual, X and the mutant individual V.
crossover - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Configured crossover.
Crossover - Interface in dealib.components.crossovers
Crossover is an interface representing the basic scheme of a crossover operator in differential evolution.
CrossoverFactory - Class in dealib.components.crossovers
CrossoverFactory is a class for creating new crossovers from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
CrossValidation - Class in planner.utils
CrossValidation is a class which integrates the data and mechanisms needed for running a basic k-fold cross validation.
CrossValidation(Dataset, int) - Constructor for class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Constructor of the mechanisms need for running a k-fold cross validation: given a dataset and a value for k, shuffles and splits the set of instances stored in the dataset.
CurrentToBest1Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
CurrentToBest1Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-best/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToBest1Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToBest1Mutator
CurrentToBest2Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
CurrentToBest2Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-best/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToBest2Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToBest2Mutator
CurrentToPBestMutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
CurrentToPBestMutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-pbest mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToPBestMutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToPBestMutator
CurrentToRand1Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
CurrentToRand1Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-rand/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
CurrentToRand1Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToRand1Mutator


Dataset - Class in planner.utils
Dataset(String, String, String, String, String[], double[][]) - Constructor for class planner.utils.Dataset
datasetInfo() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
DE - Class in dealib.algorithms
DE is a class implementing a DE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
DE(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.algorithms.DE
Constructor of DE Algorithm.
dealib.algorithms - package dealib.algorithms
dealib.components - package dealib.components
dealib.components.crossovers - package dealib.components.crossovers
dealib.components.initializers - package dealib.components.initializers
dealib.components.mutators - package dealib.components.mutators
dealib.components.selectors - package dealib.components.selectors
dealib.components.stoppingcriteria - package dealib.components.stoppingcriteria


evaluate(double[]) - Method in interface planner.utils.evaluators.Evaluator
Evaluates a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RegressionMetric
Evaluates the genotype given with a concrete configured RegressionMetric and the configured dataset for the current execution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.AckleyFunction
Computes the Ackley's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.CoranaParabolaFunction
Computes the Corana's parabola function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.GoldsteinFunction
Computes the Goldstein's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.GriewankFunction
Computes the Griewank's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.HyperEllipsoidFunction
Computes the Hyper-Ellipsoid function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction
Computes the Modified Penalized Shubert's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.PenalizedShubertFunction
Computes the Penalized Shubert's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.QuarticFunction
Computes the quartic function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.RastriginFunction
Computes the Rastrigin's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.RosenbrockFunction
Computes the Rosenbrock's function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.ShekelFoxholesFunction
Computes the Shekel's Foxholes function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.SixHumpCamelFunction
Computes the Six-Hump Camel function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.SphereFunction
Computes the sphere function given a candidate solution.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.StepFunction
Computes the step function given a candidate solution.
evaluatePopulation(Evaluator) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Evaluates all the individuals of the Population given an Evaluator.
Evaluator - Interface in planner.utils.evaluators
Evaluator is an interface for representing an object that can give an evaluation of the fitness of a candidate solution coded in the genotype.
EvaluatorFactory - Class in planner.utils.evaluators
EvaluatorFactory is a class for creating new evaluators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
exceptions - package exceptions
exe - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Configuration of the current execution.
exe - Variable in class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RegressionMetric
Configuration of the current execution.
exe - Variable in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.TestFunction
Configuration of the current execution.
Execution - Class in planner.configuration
Execution is a class for support an execution of an Experiment with a defined configuration, which exports the results after finishing.
Execution() - Constructor for class planner.configuration.Execution
ExecutionResults - Class in planner.utils
ExecutionResults(String) - Constructor for class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
Experiment - Class in planner.configuration
Experiment is a class for support the configuration of an Experiment.
Experiment() - Constructor for class planner.configuration.Experiment
ExperimentFormatException - Exception in exceptions
ExperimentFormatException is an Exception subclass for advert an incorrect formatting in experiment configuration files.
ExperimentFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception exceptions.ExperimentFormatException
ExperimentsPlanner - Class in planner
ExperimentsPlanner() - Constructor for class planner.ExperimentsPlanner
ExponentialCrossover - Class in dealib.components.crossovers
ExponentialCrossover is a class implementing a exponential scheme for crossover step over the interface Crossover.
ExponentialCrossover(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.crossovers.ExponentialCrossover


g(double) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.PenalizedShubertFunction
Auxiliar function, g.
getActivePartition() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Gets the current active partition for the cross validation.
getActiveTestPartition() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Gets the current active test partition for the cross validation.
getActiveTrainingPartition() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Gets the current active training partition for the cross validation.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getAlgorithm() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getAllIndividuals() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets a list with all the individuals of the population.
getAllOrderedIndividuals() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets a list with all the individuals of the population ordered by fitness.
getAttributes() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getBestIndividual() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the best individual of the population.
getComponentFullName(String) - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader
getCR() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getCrossover() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getCrossover() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getCRValues() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getCurrentG() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets current generation in the evolution of the population.
getCV() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getCV() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getD() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getD() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getData(int, int) - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getDataFromAttribute(int) - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getDataFromInstance(int) - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getDataInput(int) - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getDataset() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getDataset() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getDescription() - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Gets the description of the Parameter.
getEvaluator() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getEvaluator() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getEXECUTION_ID() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getEXECUTION_ID() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getExecutionsResults() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getEXPERIMENT_ID() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getExperimentPath(int) - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader
getF() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getFitness() - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Gets the fitness of the Individual.
getFitnessValues() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getFValues() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getG() - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Gets the generation when the Individual was created.
getGene(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Gets the value of a given index gene, i, in the Individual genotype.
getGenotype() - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Gets a reference to the Individual genotype.
getIndexOfIndividual(Individual) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the index of a given Individual in the unordered population.
getIndexOfOrderedIndividual(Individual) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the index of a given Individual in the ordered population.
getIndividual(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets an Individual of the unordered population given an index.
getInitializer() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getInitializer() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getInstance(int) - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getInstances() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getInstancesEstimations(double[], ArrayList<double[]>) - Method in interface planner.utils.objfunctions.ObjectiveFunction
getIPR_LB() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getIPR_UB() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getK() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Gets the number of folds, k, in k-CV
getKBestIndividual(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the best k individual in the ordered population by fitness.
getMaxStop() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getMaxStop() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getMutator() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getMutator() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getName() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Gets the name of the Algorithm.
getName() - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Gets the name of the Parameter.
getNextG() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the next generation in the evolution of the population.
getNP() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the number of individuals of the Population.
getNP() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getNPValues() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getNRandDistinctIndividuals(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets N random individuals from the Population which are distinct among them.
getNRandDistinctIndividuals(int, int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets N random individuals from the Population which are distinct among them and disintct from the given the index of an Individual ind.
getNRandDistinctIndividuals(Individual, int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets N random individuals from the Population which are distinct among them and disintct from the given Individual ind.
getNumAttributes() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getNumExperiments() - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader
Gets the number of experiments configured in the experiments core data.
getNumFEs() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getNumGenerations() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getNumInstances() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getNumValues() - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Gets the number of configured values for the Parameter.
getObjectiveFunction() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getObjFunction() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getParamAlgorithm() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamCR() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamCrossover() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamCV() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamD() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamDataset() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamF() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamInitializer() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamIPR_LB() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamIPR_UB() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamMaxStop() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamMutator() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamNP() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamRegressionMetric() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamRepetitions() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamSelector() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamStoppingCriterion() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getParamTestFunction() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
getPath() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getPredictionValue(int) - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getPredictionValues() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
getRealValPartition() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Gets the real prediction values stored for each instance of the active partition.
getRealValTrainingPartition() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Gets the real prediction values stored for each instance of the active training partition.
getReference() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Gets the publication reference of the Algorithm.
getResults() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getSelector() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getSelector() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getSolution() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getSolutionFitness() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getStoppingCriterion() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
getStoppingCriterion() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getSubPopLB() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the lower bound of the active subpopulation if mechanism for subpopulations is active.
getSubPopUB() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets the upper bound of the active subpopulation if mechanism for subpopulations is active.
getTime() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
getValue(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Gets one of the configured values for the Parameter at position i.
getValues() - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Gets the list of configured values for the Parameter.
GoldsteinFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
GoldsteinFunction is a class implementing the Goldstein's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
GoldsteinFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.GoldsteinFunction
GriewankFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
GriewankFunction is a class implementing the Griewank's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
GriewankFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.GriewankFunction


HyperEllipsoidFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
HyperEllipsoidFunction is a class implementing the Hyper-Ellipsoid function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
HyperEllipsoidFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.HyperEllipsoidFunction


IncompatibleConfigurationException - Exception in exceptions
IncompatibleConfigurationException is an Exception subclass for advert an incompatile configuration in experiment configuration files.
IncompatibleConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception exceptions.IncompatibleConfigurationException
incrFEs() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
incrFEs(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
incrGenerations() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
incrGenerations(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
incrNumFEs() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
incrNumFEs(int) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
incrNumGenerations() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
incrNumGenerations(int) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
incrPopulationG() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Increments the current generation in the evolution of the population.
Individual - Class in dealib.components
Individual is a class representing the structure and functionalities of an individual in differential evolution.
Individual(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.Individual
Constructor of an Individual, given the configuration of the current execution.
Individual(Execution, int) - Constructor for class dealib.components.Individual
Constructor of an Individual, given the configuration of the current execution and the generation, G, when it was created.
Individual(Execution, int, double[]) - Constructor for class dealib.components.Individual
Constructor of an Individual, given the configuration of the current execution, the generation, G, when it was created and the genotype to be stored by the Individual.
initAlgorithmParams() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Executed before running an execution of the Algorithm, it is the place were the initialization process of the components which are going to be used by the Algorithm takes place.
initAlgorithmParams() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.DE
Executed before running an execution of the Algorithm, it is the place were the initialization process of the components which are going to be used by the Algorithm takes place.
initAlgorithmParams() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.JADE
Executed before running an execution of the Algorithm, it is the place were the initialization process of the components which are going to be used by the Algorithm takes place.
initAlgorithmParams() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.jDE
Executed before running an execution of the Algorithm, it is the place were the initialization process of the components which are going to be used by the Algorithm takes place.
initAlgorithmParams() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.LSGOjDE
Executed before running an execution of the Algorithm, it is the place were the initialization process of the components which are going to be used by the Algorithm takes place.
initAlgorithmParams() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.SaDE
Executed before running an execution of the Algorithm, it is the place were the initialization process of the components which are going to be used by the Algorithm takes place.
initializePopulation(Population) - Method in interface dealib.components.initializers.Initializer
Executes a specific initializer scheme.
initializePopulation(Population) - Method in class dealib.components.initializers.RandInitializer
Executes rand initializer scheme over the a population, p.
initializer - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Configured initializer.
Initializer - Interface in dealib.components.initializers
Initializer is an interface representing the basic scheme of an initializer operator in differential evolution.
InitializerFactory - Class in dealib.components.initializers
InitializerFactory is a class for creating new initializers from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
isActiveSubPopulations() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Checks if the mechanism for subpopulations is active or not.
isSuccessful() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
isTesting() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
isTraining() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation


JADE - Class in dealib.algorithms
JADE is a class implementing JADE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
JADE(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.algorithms.JADE
Constructor of JADE with archive algorithm.
jDE - Class in dealib.algorithms
jDE is a class implementing the jDE algorithm (2006) over the abstract base class Algorithm.
jDE(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.algorithms.jDE
Constructor of the Adapatative Differential Evolution (jDE) algorithm (2006 version).
jDELSMutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
jDELSMutator is a class implementing DE/local-search mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
jDELSMutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.jDELSMutator


lehmerMean(double[]) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes the Lehmer mean for sn array of real values.
lehmerMean(ArrayList<Double>) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes the Lehmer mean for a set of real values.
LinearFunction - Class in planner.utils.objfunctions
LinearFunction is a class implementing a linear scheme for estimate a value from a candidate solution and a set of input variables.
LinearFunction() - Constructor for class planner.utils.objfunctions.LinearFunction
loadConfigurationData(String) - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader
Initializes essential properties and configuration in the framework.
loadDataset(String) - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader
Loads a dataset with ARFF format.
loadExperimentProperties(int) - Static method in class planner.utils.Reader
LSGOjDE - Class in dealib.algorithms
LSGOjDE is a class implementing the LSGOjDE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
LSGOjDE(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.algorithms.LSGOjDE
Constructor of LSGOjDE algorithm.


MAE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
MAE is a class implementing the Mean Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MAE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MAE
main(String[]) - Static method in class planner.ExperimentsPlanner
MAPE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
MAPE is a class implementing the Mean Absolute Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MAPE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MAPE
MathTools - Class in planner.utils
MathTools provides some useful and frequently used mathematical tools needed when developing Differential Evolution algorithms throught this framework.
MathTools() - Constructor for class planner.utils.MathTools
max(double...) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes the maximum given a set of real values.
MaxFEsStop - Class in dealib.components.stoppingcriteria
MaxFEsStop is a class implementing a stopping criterion based on the number of function evaluations (FEs) performed over the interface Selector.
MaxFEsStop(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.MaxFEsStop
MaxGenerationsStop - Class in dealib.components.stoppingcriteria
MaxGenerationsStop is a class implementing a stopping criterion based on the number of generations performed over the interface Selector.
MaxGenerationsStop(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.MaxGenerationsStop
min(double...) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes the maximum given a set of real values.
ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction is a class implementing the Modified Penalized Shubert's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction
MRAE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
MRAE is a class implementing the Mean Relative Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MRAE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MRAE
MSE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
MSE is a class implementing the Mean Squared Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MSE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MSE
MSPE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
MSPE is a class implementing the Mean Squared Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
MSPE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.MSPE
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Best1Mutator
Executes DE/best/1 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Best2Mutator
Executes DE/best/2 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Best3Mutator
Executes DE/best/3 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToBest1Mutator
Executes DE/current-to-best/1 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToBest2Mutator
Executes DE/current-to-best/2 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToPBestMutator
Executes DE/current-to-pbest over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToRand1Mutator
Executes DE/current-to-rand/1 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.jDELSMutator
Executes DE/local-search over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in interface dealib.components.mutators.Mutator
Executes a specific mutator scheme.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Rand1Mutator
Executes DE/rand/1 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Rand2Mutator
Executes DE/rand/2 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Rand3Mutator
Executes DE/rand/3 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator
Executes DE/rand-to-best-and-current/2 over the target/current individual, X.
mutateIndividual(Population, Individual, Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.RandToCurrent1Mutator
Executes DE/rand-to-current/1 over the target/current individual, X.
mutator - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Configured mutator if the algorithm does not use a pool of strategies/mutators.
Mutator - Interface in dealib.components.mutators
Mutator is a class implementing the basic scheme of a mutator operator in differential evolution.
MutatorFactory - Class in dealib.components.mutators
MutatorFactory is a class for creating new mutators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.


name - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Name of the algorithm.
normalRND(double, double) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Computes a pseudorandom real number in Normal distribution given the mean and statistic deviation parameters.


ObjectiveFunction - Interface in planner.utils.objfunctions
ObjectiveFunction is a class implementing the basic scheme of a function with the objective of making an estimation out of a set input variables and the genotype.
ObjectiveFunctionFactory - Class in planner.utils.objfunctions
ObjectiveFunctionFactory is a class for creating new evaluators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.


p - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Population of individuals.
Parameter<T> - Class in planner.configuration
Parameter is a class for supporting the base scheme of a parametrizable object in DEFramework with a set of basic characteristics and possible values.
Parameter(String, String) - Constructor for class planner.configuration.Parameter
Constructor given the name and the description.
Parameter(String, String, ArrayList<T>) - Constructor for class planner.configuration.Parameter
Constructor given the name, the description and a list of configured values.
PenalizedShubertFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
PenalizedShubertFunction is a class implementing the Penalized Shubert's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
PenalizedShubertFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.PenalizedShubertFunction
planner - package planner
planner.configuration - package planner.configuration
planner.utils - package planner.utils
planner.utils.evaluators - package planner.utils.evaluators
planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics - package planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions - package planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
planner.utils.objfunctions - package planner.utils.objfunctions
Population - Class in dealib.components
Population is a class representing the structure and functionalities of a Population in differential evolution.
Population(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.Population
Default constructor.
Population(Execution, ArrayList<Individual>) - Constructor for class dealib.components.Population
Constructor given a set of individuals.
PrintingTools - Class in planner.utils
PrintingTools() - Constructor for class planner.utils.PrintingTools


QuarticFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
QuarticFunction is a class implementing the quartic function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
QuarticFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.QuarticFunction


RadialVelocityFunction - Class in planner.utils.objfunctions
RadialVelocityFunction is a class implementing the estimation of the radial velocity of a binary stellar system from a candidate solution and a set of input variables.
RadialVelocityFunction() - Constructor for class planner.utils.objfunctions.RadialVelocityFunction
RAE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
RAE is a class implementing the Relative Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RAE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RAE
Rand1Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
Rand1Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Rand1Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.Rand1Mutator
Rand2Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
Rand2Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Rand2Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.Rand2Mutator
Rand3Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
Rand3Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/3 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
Rand3Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.Rand3Mutator
RandInitializer - Class in dealib.components.initializers
RandInitializer is a class implementing a random scheme for the initialization step over the interface Initializer.
RandInitializer(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.initializers.RandInitializer
RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand-to-best-and-current/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator
RandToCurrent1Mutator - Class in dealib.components.mutators
RandToCurrent1Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand-to-current/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
RandToCurrent1Mutator(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.components.mutators.RandToCurrent1Mutator
RastriginFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
RastriginFunction is a class implementing the Rastrigin's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
RastriginFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.RastriginFunction
Reader - Class in planner.utils
Reader is a class implementing all input operations of the framework when working with experiment files: configures a list of experiment given the configuration defined in the framework experiments files.
Reader() - Constructor for class planner.utils.Reader
reducePopulation(double) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Reduces the Population given a reduction factor.
reference - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Publication reference of the algorithm.
RegressionMetric - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
RegressionMetric is an abstract class for representing the regression metrics used when training with datasets, can be also considerated as evaluators of the genotype of the individuals.
RegressionMetric(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RegressionMetric
replaceIndividual(int, Individual) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Replaces an Individual at position i by the given Individual ind.
RMSE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
RMSE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RMSE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RMSE
RMSLE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
RMSLE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RMSLE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RMSLE
RMSPE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
RMSPE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
RMSPE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.RMSPE
RND - Static variable in class planner.utils.MathTools
Random object of the DEFramework.
RosenbrockFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
RosenbrockFunction is a class implementing the Rosenbrock's function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
RosenbrockFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.RosenbrockFunction
run() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Runs an execution of the algorithm after an initialization process of its components.
run() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
run() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
runAlgorithm() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Runs the algorithm over the defined configuration.
runAlgorithm() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.DE
Runs the Differential Evolution (DE) classic algorithm.
runAlgorithm() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.JADE
Executes JADE wit archive algorithm over the defined experiment configuration.
runAlgorithm() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.jDE
Runs the Adaptative version of Differential Evolution (jDE) algorithm (2006 version).
runAlgorithm() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.LSGOjDE
Executes LSGOjDE algorithm.
runAlgorithm() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.SaDE
Executes SaDE algorithm over the defined experiment configuration.


S - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Selected individual.
SaDE - Class in dealib.algorithms
SaDE is a class implementing the SaDE algorithm over the abstract base class Algorithm.
SaDE(Execution) - Constructor for class dealib.algorithms.SaDE
Constructor of SaDE algorithm.
selectIndividual(Individual...) - Method in class dealib.components.selectors.BinarySelector
Executes a binary scheme as a selector.
selectIndividual(Individual...) - Method in interface dealib.components.selectors.Selector
Executes a specific selector scheme.
selector - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Configured selector.
Selector - Interface in dealib.components.selectors
Selector is a class implementing the basic scheme of a selector operator in differential evolution.
SelectorFactory - Class in dealib.components.selectors
SelectorFactory is a class for creating new selectors from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
setActiveSubPopulations(boolean) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Sets a new value for the mechanism of subpopulations: it can activated (TRUE) or deactivated (FALSE).
setAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setCR(double) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setCrossover(Crossover) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setCrossover(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setCV(int) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setCV(CrossValidation) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setD(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setD(int) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setDataset(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setDescription(String) - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Sets a desctiption for the Parameter.
setEvaluator(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setEvaluator(Evaluator) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setEXECUTIONCONFIG_ID(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setF(double) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setFitness(double) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Sets a new fitness value for the Individual.
setFitness(double) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setG(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Sets the generation when the Individual was created.
setGene(int, double) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Sets a new value for a given index gene, i, in the Individual genotype.
setGenotype(double[]) - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Sets a new genotype for the Individual.
setInitializer(Initializer) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setInitializer(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setLowerBounds(double[]) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setMaxStop(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setMaxStop(int) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setMutator(Mutator) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setMutator(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setName(String) - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Sets a name for the Parameter.
setNextPopulation(ArrayList<Individual>) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Sets a new Population and increments the generation value in its evolution.
setNP(int) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setObjectiveFunction(ObjectiveFunction) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setObjFunction(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setParamAlgorithmValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamCrossoverValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamCRValues(ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamCVValues(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamDatasetValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamDValues(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamFValues(ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamInitializerValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamIPR_LBValues(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamIPR_UBValues(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamMaxStopValues(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamMutatorValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamNPValues(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamObjFunctionValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamRegressionMetricValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamRepetitionsValues(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamSelectorValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamStoppingCriterionValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setParamTestFunctionValues(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
setRandomSeed(long) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Updates random object seed.
setResults(ExecutionResults) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setSelector(Selector) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setSelector(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setSolution(double[]) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setSolutionFitness(double) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setStoppingCriterion(StoppingCriterion) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setStoppingCriterion(String) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setSubPopLB(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Lower bound of the active subpopulation if subpopulations mechanism is active.
setSubPopUB(int) - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Upper bound of the active subpopulation if subpopulations mechanism is active.
setSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setTestingState() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
setTime(double) - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
setTrainingState() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
setUpperBounds(double[]) - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
setValue(int, T) - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Sets a new value at position i in the current list of configured values.
setValues(ArrayList<T>) - Method in class planner.configuration.Parameter
Sets a list with a set of configured values for the Parameter.
ShekelFoxholesFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
ShekelFoxholesFunction is a class implementing the Shekel's Foxholes function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
ShekelFoxholesFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.ShekelFoxholesFunction
SixHumpCamelFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
SixHumpCamelFunction is a class implementing the Six-Hump Camel function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
SixHumpCamelFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.SixHumpCamelFunction
SphereFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
SphereFunction is a class implementing the sphere function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
SphereFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.SphereFunction
SSE - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
SSE is a class implementing the Sum of Squared Errors over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
SSE(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics.SSE
StepFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
StepFunction is a class implementing the step function over the TestFunction abstract base class.
StepFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.StepFunction
stopCriterion - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Configured stopping criterion.
StoppingCriterion - Interface in dealib.components.stoppingcriteria
StoppingCriterion is an interface representing the basic scheme of stopping criterion operator in differential evolution.
StoppingCriterionFactory - Class in dealib.components.stoppingcriteria
StoppingCriterionFactory is a class for creating new stopping criteria operators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
stops() - Method in class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.MaxFEsStop
Executes a stopping criterion based on the number of function evaluations (FEs) performed.
stops() - Method in class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.MaxGenerationsStop
Executes a stopping criterion based on the number of generations performed.
stops() - Method in interface dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.StoppingCriterion
Executes a specific stopping criterion scheme.


TestFunction - Class in planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions
TestFunction is an abstract class for representing the functions used for testing and experimental issues, which can be also considerated as evaluators of the genotype of the individuals.
TestFunction(Execution) - Constructor for class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.TestFunction
toString() - Method in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Algorithm.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.crossovers.ArithmeticCrossover
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Crossover.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.crossovers.BinomialCrossover
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Crossover.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.crossovers.ExponentialCrossover
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Crossover.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Individual.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.initializers.RandInitializer
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Initializer.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Best1Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Best2Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Best3Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToBest1Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToBest2Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToPBestMutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.CurrentToRand1Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.jDELSMutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Rand1Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Rand2Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.Rand3Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.mutators.RandToCurrent1Mutator
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Mutator.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.Population
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Population.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.selectors.BinarySelector
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Selector.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.MaxFEsStop
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Stopping Criterion.
toString() - Method in class dealib.components.stoppingcriteria.MaxGenerationsStop
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Stopping Criterion.
toString() - Method in class planner.configuration.Execution
toString() - Method in class planner.configuration.Experiment
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.Dataset
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.AckleyFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.CoranaParabolaFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.GoldsteinFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.GriewankFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.HyperEllipsoidFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.ModifiedPenalizedShubertFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.PenalizedShubertFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.QuarticFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.RastriginFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.RosenbrockFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.ShekelFoxholesFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.SixHumpCamelFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.SphereFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.StepFunction
Gets a string representing the visualization by console of the Test Function.
toString() - Method in class planner.utils.ExecutionResults
toString(double[]) - Static method in class planner.utils.PrintingTools
toString(double[][]) - Static method in class planner.utils.PrintingTools
toString(int[]) - Static method in class planner.utils.PrintingTools
toString(Object[]) - Static method in class planner.utils.PrintingTools


u(double) - Method in class planner.utils.evaluators.testfunctions.PenalizedShubertFunction
Auxiliar function, u.
U - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Trial individual.
uniformDistinctRND(int, int) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
uniformIntegerDistinctRND(int, int, int) - Static method in class planner.utils.MathTools
Generates an array of N non-negative integer pseudorandom values in an interval [0, L) in Uniform distribution distinct among them and from a given integer value i.
updateFitness() - Method in class dealib.components.Individual
Updates fitness calling the evaluator configured in the current execution of an experiment.
updatePartitions() - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation
Updates the current active training partition and the current active test partition for running the cross validation updating the set of instances used for training those used for testing.


V - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Mutant/donor individual.
validate(ObjectiveFunction) - Method in class planner.utils.CrossValidation


writeExperimentInfo(Experiment) - Static method in class planner.utils.Writer
Writer - Class in planner.utils
Writer() - Constructor for class planner.utils.Writer


X - Variable in class dealib.algorithms.Algorithm
Current/target individual.
A B C D E G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 
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