Package dealib.components.mutators

package dealib.components.mutators
  • Class
    Best1Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    Best2Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    Best3Mutator is a class implementing DE/best/3 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    CurrentToBest1Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-best/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    CurrentToBest2Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-best/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    CurrentToPBestMutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-pbest mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    CurrentToRand1Mutator is a class implementing DE/current-to-rand/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    jDELSMutator is a class implementing DE/local-search mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    Mutator is a class implementing the basic scheme of a mutator operator in differential evolution.
    MutatorFactory is a class for creating new mutators from the differential evolution algorithms library (dealib) of the framework.
    Rand1Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    Rand2Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    Rand3Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand/3 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    RandToBestAndCurrent2Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand-to-best-and-current/2 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.
    RandToCurrent1Mutator is a class implementing DE/rand-to-current/1 mutation scheme over the interface Mutator.