Package planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics

package planner.utils.evaluators.regrmetrics
  • Classes
    MAE is a class implementing the Mean Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    MAPE is a class implementing the Mean Absolute Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    MRAE is a class implementing the Mean Relative Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    MSE is a class implementing the Mean Squared Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    MSPE is a class implementing the Mean Squared Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    RAE is a class implementing the Relative Absolute Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    RegressionMetric is an abstract class for representing the regression metrics used when training with datasets, can be also considerated as evaluators of the genotype of the individuals.
    RMSE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    RMSLE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    RMSPE is a class implementing the Root Mean Squared Percentage Error over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.
    SSE is a class implementing the Sum of Squared Errors over the RegressionMetric abstract super class.